Robot hàn-Lincoln - Lincoln Electric Automation Division integrates robotic arc welding equipment and automated welding systems to help you decrease manufacturing costs, increase weld quality, improve welding productivity and enhance your working environment.
Nguồn điện hàn dùng cho robot Lincoln - Power Wave® inverter power sources are digitally controlled capable of complex, highspeed and high performance waveform control. Select Power Wave® inverter power sources for advanced process robotic welding on thick materials.
Đầu cấp dây dùng cho robot Lincoln- AutoDrive® 4R100, 4R220 and AutoDrive SA, specific for aluminum welding, are powerful yet compact wire drives for robotic and hard automation applications. The Power Feed® 10R is a high performance, digitally controlled wire feeder designed to be a part of a modular, multi-process welding system.